
Chairman And Managing Director/ Chief Executive Officer

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Academic/Professional Qualification(s)

• High School Diploma from Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment in Iowa, United States of America

• Diploma of Commerce from Curtin College,
Western Australia

• Degree holder in Bachelor of Entrepreneurship from Curtin University, Western Australia

Deputy Executive Chairman

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Academic/Professional Qualification(s)

  • Degree Holder of Mass Communication (Honors)
    (Public Relations) from Taylor’s University
    Lakeside Campus

Working experience:

  • Ms. Kuay Jeaneve is a founder and managing director of Anjung Meriah Sdn. Bhd., 100% Bumiputera a CIDB G7 construction company and Registered Photovoltaic Service Provider with SEDA Malaysia that delivers total solutions and services in the field of Construction and Renewable Energy Sector including design and build affordable houses, infrastructure work, project management, Solar Power On The Roof, Solar Power Plant and related industries.
  • Ms. Kuay Jeaneve is a founder and managing director of JK Spark Sdn. Bhd., 100% Bumiputera Sabah-owned company registered under Trading License No. 813248. The company specializes in building construction, property development, the supply of building materials, and the supply and installation of solar panel

Non-Independent Executive Director

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Date of appointment as Director:

  • Appointed as the Non-Independent Non-Executive Director on 15 September 2016. She thereafter redesignated as a Non-Independent Executive Director on 23 December 2021.

Length of service: 8 years 1 month

Board Committee(s) serves on: Nil

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Academic/Professional Qualification(s)

  • Degree holder in Bachelor of Finance from University of Wollongong, Northfields Ave, Australia

Working experience:

  • Ms. Loh Shy Ming is currently handling marketing & financial work for F&B industry. In this Industry, she has also been involved in decision-making level management since 2019. She was holding position as Chief Financial Officer in investment holdings company and involved in various business operations & decision-making level management

Independent Non-Executive Director

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Academic/Professional Qualification(s)
  • Degree holder in Bachelor of Computer Science from University Putra Malaysia
Working experience:
  • Ms. Josipinna Binti Pudun has over 16 years of experience in Software development industry. She possesses hands-on experience and proven track record in leadership, software development engineering and project management in various multinational corporations as well as local SMEs.
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Academic/Professional Qualification(s)

  • Degree holder in Engineering (Hons) Electronics majoring in Computer Project Management from Multimedia University

Working experience:

  • Mr. Loo Tze Ming has over 12 years of experience in Design & Operations of Data Centers related industries and Solar Energy generation and green initiative projects.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Academic/Professional Qualification(s)
  • Mr. Chu Wooi Siong is an approved Company Auditor and Licensed Tax Agent. He is also a Member of the Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA), a Fellow Member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, a Member of the Chartered Tax Institute of Malaysia, ASEAN Professional Accountants, Insolvency Practitioner of Malaysia and the Malaysian Institute of Estate Planner.

Working experience:
  • Mr. Chu Wooi Siong is the Founder and Managing Partner of JC & Associates, the Founder and Managing Director of Fidele Consulting Sdn Bhd, and a Partner of P.L. Ong & Co.
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Other Directorship in Public Companies and Listed Issuer:

  • Ms. Loh Shy Tyug does not hold any other directorship in other public listed companies, but she sits on the Board of several private limited companies.

Academic/Professional Qualification(s): 

  • Master of Science in Chemical and Biological Engineering, Colorado State University, United States of America.
  • Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering, Iowa State University, United States of America.

Working Experience and Occupation:

  • Ms. Loh Shy Tyug started her career with Republic Polytechnic, Singapore as Project Engineer. She is a certified trainer under Human Resource Development Fund Malaysia. She is Chief Executive of a private higher education institution offering tertiary educational programs. She is currently pursuing Master of Social Sciences in Developmental Psychology in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.

Family relationship with any Director and/or major Shareholder of the Company:

  • A sister to Mr. Loh Boon Ginn, the Chairman and Managing Director of the Company and substantial Shareholder of the Company and Ms. Loh Shy Ming, the Non-Independent Non-Executive Director of the Company.
  • A sister-in-law to Ms. Kuay Jeaneve, the Executive Deputy Chairperson of the Company.

Conflict of interest with the Company

  • None

Any other convictions (aside from traffic offence)

  • None

Board meetings attended in the financial year: 9/9